Greetings from the Auxiliary Unit 305 President
The Ladies of Auxiliary Unit 305, The Woodlands, Texas are committed to the founding principles of The American Legion Auxiliary: Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Loyalty. About 100 strong, we are the wives, mothers, daughters, grand-daughters and great grand-daughters of veterans who served our Country during times of war.
We are the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 305, The Woodlands, and we are passionate about making a difference. If you are patriotic, enjoy volunteering to make a difference and want to advocate for or serve the needs of veterans and active military, then you will feel right at home in the Auxiliary. The following is just a sample of what our unit does to help our veterans:
Send care packages to active military personnel
Raise money to benefit veterans through the Poppy Program
Adopt a military family for Christmas
Help local schools by donating books on America, the flag and the military, honoring children of service personnel and helping with educational activities
Sponsor high school juniors to Girls State teaching them about government and the importance of responsible citizenship
The American Legion Post 305 and Auxiliary meet on the third Thursday of each month (except in October) at the South County Community Center. Our membership meeting starts at 7 PM sharp. The community center is located at the intersection of Grogan’s Mill Road and Lake Robbins Drive next to the South County Library
You are invited to be a guest at one of our meetings. Come find out who we are and what we do. We’d love to have you join us as a member or a volunteer. You, too, can make a difference!
We look forward to seeing you.
Applicant Contact Information
Name (First) (MI.) (Last):_________________________________________________
Mailing Address:______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________
Primary Phone: _______________________________________
Cell Phone _____________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________
Membership Category:
___ Senior member (age18 or over) ___ Junior (age 17 or under)
Senior member Date of Birth _________________ (year is optional for senior member)
Junior Member Date of Birth is required for Junior members: ______________________
Signature of Applicant (or legal guardian if Junior member):
_______________________________________________ Date _______________
Eligibility Information (For purposes of this application, Veteran is defined as a person discharged, currently serving or yourself)
Name of Veteran That Makes Me Eligible for Membership: ________________________________. Veteran is: ___Living ___Deceased.
Is Veteran a member of the American Legion? __Yes __No ~
If yes, Post # _________ located in City of _________________ State of ________. His/Her Member ID Number is ____________________
My Veteran served in (mark all that apply)
___WWI (4/6/17-11/11/18) ___WWII (12/7/41-12/31/46 ___ Merchant Marines (12/7/41-8/15/45 only) ___Korea (6/25/50-1/31/55 ___Vietnam (2/28/61-5/7/75) ___Grenada/Lebanon (8/24/82-7/31/84) ___ Panama (12/20/89-1/31/90) ___Persian Gulf War (8/2/90 until cessation of hostilities as determined by the US Government)
Applicant’s Relationship to the Veteran: (Step relatives are eligible)
_____Self (remainder is N/A) ___Mother ___Wife ___Daughter ___Sister ___Granddaughter ___ Great-Granddaughter ___Grandmother ___Great Grandmother
Applicants Certification
I certify the above-named Veteran, person currently serving, or I served at least one day of active duty during the dates marked above and was honorably discharged or is still serving honorably.
Signature: _________________________________________ Date _____________
Post 305 and/or Unit 305 Concurrence of Eligibility
Post 305 Officer Membership Verification (Or Unit Secretary’s Verification for Female Veterans Only): ________________________________Officer Title _____________
Programs and Actvities
We support many different programs and activities throughout the year. The following is representative of commitment to the community.
Unit 305 has sponsored Arts & Crafts Fairs and Biker Rallies as fund raisers in the past.
Our sincere thanks go to all the Auxiliary and Post members who volunteered their time.
Look to this website for our next fund-raising activity.
Unit 305 distributes veteran-made poppies during May and November on behalf of our disabled veterans. Contributions from the public help support state and local veteran affairs and rehabilitation projects.
Local schools benefit through our Children and Youth program. We purchase books for school libraries, honor children with deployed parents and assist with programs for Veterans Day including Flag Etiquette.
Memorial Day services are held at the Veteran's Memorial Cemetery in May.
The Auxiliary will present a wreath in honor of our deceased veterans.
In July, come join us to set up the float and then march in The Woodlands “Fourth of July” Parade. We have won first place several times.
Girls State is an annual event that we also sponsor. Send an email to the Unit President for details.
How To Contact or Visit Us
Reporting Structure:
PO Box 140407, Austin TX 78714-0407

Phone 512-476-7278, Fax 512-482-8391



ALA National Website
National Emblem Sales, 888-453-4466, (888) 453-4466
Post 305 Mailing Address
The Woodlands Post 305
P O Box 9336
The Woodlands TX 77387
Auxiliary Unit 305 Mailing Address:
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 305
P O Box 130804
The Woodlands TX 77393
By Email:
When Do We Meet
The Auxiliary Unit 305 meets on the third Thursday of each month. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm sharp.
Where Do We Meet
We meet at the St Simon and Jude Catholic Church in The Woodlands.
Special Message for Visitors
If you are a visitor to our website, you are welcome to attend a meeting. The following is intended to provide some background on the Auxiliary and demonstrate our commitment to veterans causes.
Unit 305 has close to 87 senior members and 32 junior members, with several charter members still involved in Unit activities. In addition to raising money to benefit veterans through the annual Poppy Program, Auxiliary members make ditty bags and lap robes as gifts for hospitalized veterans, and volunteer time at the Holiday Shop at the Michael DeBakey V.A. Medical Center in Houston. Our members also send greeting cards and care packages to military personnel stationed overseas, as well as "adopting" a local military person and/or family to sponsor.
One of the Unit’s many rewarding activities is sponsorship of local high school juniors to Girls State. This program not only gives young women "hands on" experience in state government, but also teaches them the importance of responsible citizenship. Normally, we send students from The Woodlands High School, The Woodlands College Park High School, Oak Ridge High School, and the Woodlands Christian Academy to Girls State each summer.
In addition to the satisfaction of knowing that we can make a difference in people’s lives, Auxiliary members enjoy personal benefits such as health, dental, and travel insurance, prescription programs, and eye care and hearing plans.
If you are not already a member, we hope you will consider joining our organization. As we continue to grow, so will our positive impact in the community. Your membership will contribute significantly to our success!
Please visit us at a meeting. We’d love to meet you!